Brands and companies should care the relationship they have got with their clients and collaborators. Ferrari is a great example of this. Once per year the Italian brand invites all its licensees to Ferrari’s Annual Workshop, where they will be able to know the brand’s evolution, the return of their investment as licensees and the future projects the brand is going to face. In essential, it is the event to share the vision, strategies and outlooks of the brand and its activities.
Always Group had to manage Ferrari’s Workshop 2012, that took part in Valencia, at the same time as their Finale Mondiale. So we decided that the Veles e Vents building was a great scenario for the event. Surrounding the building, the landscape of the most exclusive and representative event in Valencia’s recent past, Formula One Grand Prix of Europe Valencia’s Street Circuit. An ideal environment to respire the atmosphere of the biggest automobile brand in the world.
Our client was looking to transmit in this events the values of its brand; passion focused on a way of approaching life, always looking for victory, excellence, always striving for the first place… However, the most important value our client transmitted us was the sense of Family. In their words “Ferrari is a company that exists nowadays thanks to our partners”. So for us it was essential to try and make the guests feel as if they were part of Ferrari’s team.
The event turned up to become a great success in which both, the Ferrari team and their partners enjoyed an excellent workday in a familiar and friendly atmosphere, surrounded of all the services and excellence they required.
- Always Area: Always Events
- Category: Designing Events and Experiences
- Client: Ferrari
- Date: November 2012